Did you know that Albert Einstein came up with the theory of relativity while on his bike?
Think of where bike rides could take me! I better start thinking when I'm riding!
It's been a few days...I know...but I haven't given up on training - just running short on time...I'm back to update the blog. I have also learned that you can only upload 5 photos per entry...So there is another post that will happen soon!
So, Sunday morning Steve and I decided to do the same route we did last week - only the opposite direction (based on the hill we hit last week). We both decided that it was actually more difficult this week because once you go down the hill, there is a gradual incline the entire rest of the way...It was rough - but fun! I've named Steve "Safety Steve" - with all the love in the world behind the name...he rode behind me on the "country road" and listened for cars approaching behind us and yelled "CAR" - so that I would know to pull over onto the shoulder when the car was passing. It really was a lot of help. Thanks Steve!

Today - we biked some extra mileage - 10 miles today! Only 2 miles less than what the triathlon distance is. It took 50 minutes (including stops to take pictures). :) That makes me happy - I have lots of room for improvement - but I'm hanging in there with the times.
Here's a picture from the bottom of "the hill".

I know I wrote about the "mansions" on Lost Dauphin Road in a previous blog - thought I would show you the one that just makes my jaw drop. Steve looked it up on line and found out that the property taxes alone are $34,000/year and it's tax assessment value (or whatever it's called) is $1.74 million! That qualifies as a mansion - right? I just love the look of the house. We went up to Door County this weekend and took a road less traveled and I started to "covet" - you know - one of those 10 commandments we're not supposed to break. Honestly - it would be nice to have a house like the ones I covet - but one week - maybe two - in one of them would just be fun!

So - that's it for the biking update...I wish I had some words of wisdom...but it's late. All I know is that I hope everyone sets a goal for themselves. Whether it's something like I'm doing, or to stop and smell the flowers, or to leave that "sweet" in the freezer for one more day...when you accomplish that goal...it just makes you feel so empowered!
Night-night everyone! I'll be back tomorrow with another photo update from swimming last week! Monday is my day of rest - but might add a strength training session...maybe a wii night?