This has become my own personal motto for a few years now. One I've kept to myself. However, I feel now is the time to share.
About 6 years ago, my sister Kris started doing triathlons and duathlons. She raised money for good causes and loved doing these events. One summer, she even did 5 events (sprint distance triathlons and a duathlon). She felt and looked great too! She inspired me to try one on my own...and at that time...I loved it too!
Then, in 2006 - her life changed...almost as quick as lightning. It took awhile for the doctors to figure it out, but she was diagnosed with dermamyositis in June 2006. It pretty much stopped her at accomplishing some of her fitness goals. For those of you who don't know what myositis is, please visit . To follow Kris' story and be inspired...head to her blog I decided that I was going to make it a personal goal to complete a sprint distance triathlon every summer. I missed 2007...but in 2008 and 2009 - I did the Danskin Women's triathlon in Pleasant Prairie, WI. 2008 was a blast (there were 5 of us doing the triathlon, all with our myositis awareness t-shirts on). My sister, Kris, waiting as my mom, my sister and I all crossed the finish line (my mother in law swam and my sister in law biked). 2009...I had to do it in relay form because of a knee problem. It was fun to complete it as a team (thanks BethBeth and Pai).
This year, I've asked and asked my friends and family to participate in a triathlon - but it's about 6 weeks away and no one has committed. So...this is where this blog comes in. It's going to keep me accountable. I know my family will put it in their "favorites" link...maybe some of my friends too. Instead of writing a lot - I am going to make it more of a photo journal (if the blog world allows me to). I love taking pictures and I think this is going to be a great adventure...sharing my training in photo form!
So - this is my first post...Here are some details.
What: Trek Women's Triathlon
Where: Pleasant Prairie, WI (same course as the Danskin, but different sponsor)
When: July 11, 2010
I think of my sister, the triathlete (she will ALWAYS be one because of that very FIRST one)...who has a new goal. To run 1-mile with her daughter. Girl - I can't run a take as much time as you need...and when I get up to one...maybe I can visit and she can run with me. Anyway - I think of Kris...there is no excuse for me to do whatever it think about choosing a "fitness" goal...whether it's getting that bike out and riding a trail, or hiking a path at a state park, or running a mile. Maybe you can make it your motto too...
I Am (insert what you're doing here)...Because I Can.